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2001-10-02 | 7:22 p.m.

corduroy licorice had to bone up for his anatomy test.


some say weekends are made for michelob. i say they're made for:

quiet conversation with a good girlfriend in comfortable chairs.

movie matinees with popcorn and coca-cola.

pizza, pinot noir and paltrow on the TV screen.

shopping for halloween costume and finding just the right thing.

sipping lemonade spiked with orange juice in the beachy sunshine.

seeing a kick-ass band (the actual tigers) doing their thing and loving every minute of it (me and them).


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two weekends. two phone calls. no dates. he had to work overtime saturday and sunday and couldn't fit in time to see me.

this is the vaguest relationship i've ever had.

i'm starting to think when he checked "long-term" on the "what kind of relationship are you looking for?" question he was a bit confused.

i don't think he knows "long-term" connotes "lasts a long time"...he must have thought it meant "takes a long time."

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