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2001-07-02 | 7:20 p.m.

corduroy licorice went the school of hard knocks. he graduated valedictorian. sometimes he'd collapse doors with the force of his rapping knuckles.


speaking of hard knocks, my computer is experiencing some at this time. my battery has been failing slowly and i tried to ignore it as long as possible, but when the screen blinks, "computer cannot start," there's really no ignoring it anymore.

i deconstructed my machine in a very awkward way. i have no tech skills. sweet shrimp (who cleverly identified the battery problem awhile back) told me to hunt for something that looked like a fat quarter. evidently, my computer's so old, it predates the fat quarter technology.

so after a bunch of "how does this thing come off?" moments, i found the nerve center...the battery proper...looking like three triple A's dipped in black rubber then candy-coated in a white crystalline material. uh-oh.

evidently corrosion has set in. and i'm supposed to leave for a week-long trip tuesday, so there ain't gonna be much time for me to scrape crud and reconnect whatzits before i leave.

all this to let you know i won't be updating for awhile. i hope y'all understand. i'll miss ya! don't forget me while i'm gone. do nothing 'til you hear from me. thank you ever so.



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