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2001-01-10 | 04:55:04

in this world, there are rich men with leer jets flying over poor boys with no skateboards...

...but there is love.


"love is more thicker than forget

more thinner than recall

more seldom than a wave is wet

more frequent than to fail

it is most mad and moonly

and less it shall unbe

than all the sea which only

is deeper than the sea

love is less always than to win

less never than alive

less bigger than the least begin

less littler than forgive

it is most sane and sunly

and more it cannot die

than all the sky which only

is higher than the sky"

- e.e. cummings


and there are gardens we can each grow hope in.


and there are cool words:

"she spent the evening tying up loose ends that were only loose in her own mind, loose to her standards, and woke up feeling better about things, even though nobody knew it. one girl's loose end is another's pretty bow."

- malice


today vanessa shares her girlboy compilation album...

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