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2000-12-22 | 05:59:59

i developed a theory on life awhile back.

my theory goes a little something like this...

people are the worst part of life, and people are the best part of life.

the "worst part" people are the assholes who walk (or often drive) the earth polluting it with selfishness and carelessness. these are the people who step on the weak, who think only of "numero uno" (and i'm not talking pizza here), and who live without consideration or real love.

the "best part" people are those who make the world a better place. "best part" people include cool family members and friends who offer love and light in your world...and the world, in general. while fewer in number, their rareness makes them all the more valuable and, i believe, ultimately more powerful. definitely infinitely lovable.

i am fortunate in that i have a lot of "best part" people in my life. one is a new addition *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*, some are old favorites, some i was born with. these people are fun to know, good to know, inspiring to know, lovely to know. i don't know what i'd do without them--each completely unique as a person and in how the two of us relate.

as i wrote out christmas cards to close friends this year, i thanked them most of all for the gift of their friendship. you can't wrap that. you can't beat that.

thursday night i got to have an early christmas with two of my buddies. ascension and torrez. we had a nice dinner and then retired to her apartment for homemade spiced cider and amazing mint brownies. then we exchanged gifts. i was knocked out by the special thought each of them had put into their presents to me. it wasn't about the material goods themselves, but in how each reflected something they had noticed about me. they had been paying close attention. a sure sign of a good friend! they had sought out the unique and individual. a sure sign of a thoughtful friend!

as bing crosby crooned on the stereo and a multitude of candles flickered, i looked at their two smiling faces and realized i am very lucky that they are a part of my life. and not just because they gave me presents. and not just because they gave me presents that showed they really know me and my interests. but because they are both imaginative, funny, smart, talented, unique people with a lot of love in their hearts. he and she are definitely two of the best parts of life for me.

and there are other special-beyond-words friends to send my love and thanks to. can you feel the love tonight? oh yes, elton, i can, and it's mighty grand.


as the holiday season kicks into full gear, i'd like to wish you all the fun and sparkliness this time of year can bring. to get more specific, i'd like to wish you:

"...sincere christmas trees, mistletoe, sequins found days later in your bedsheets, and red lipstick that matches your scarf. a little too well. absolutely no regrets." -malice (thank you, malice, for your great words delivered daily!)

here's to warm and wonderful holidays and a 2001 that kicks some serious happy happy joy joy ass.




speaking of love, there's always a whole lotta it over at girlboy. today dan gives props to the fly girl who would make his heart go bling, bling...

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