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2000-10-25 | 09:31:15

i saw desert storm last night.

it's been a few months since i ran into him on the town. that encounter had been short, sweet and mildly awkward. it had been a year previous since i had seen him. that time we had run into each other at the house of blues. we smoked the peace pipe and ended a year of seething silence.

so last night i saw him again. at the house of blues. he was organizing a comedy night in one of the club's side bars. i have been getting his e-mailed announcements about shows, but had never been able to attend. so last night i made it.

the bar was really cool. the walls were clothed in an embroidered indian material. the house of blues decor rocks. one wooden frame displayed a canvas encrusted with fake pearls and bits of glass. a fireplace flickered. 30 something people in leather jackets, fine silk blends and manicured do's watched the proceedings. i glanced around at the wealth and 'tude around me and felt like asking the bored hostess if she ever had an allergic reaction to being around so much plastic.

the comics were pretty bad, but there were a few laughs. desert storm pretended to bump into me to get my attention. he looked good. his face was thinner, which made him look more handsome than usual. he was wearing all black, including his leather coat. oh, great, i'm still attracted to him. pffft.

we went outside and chatted a bit. i told him how much i was enjoying my improv class. he told me about his job with a casting agent and his acting class. he seemed very content. that is good. he tends towards discontent typically.

later, we sat on a big velvet couch to watch the end of the show. a friend of his joined us, forcing us to squish together. desert storm put his arm around me, evidently under the premise of "making room" for his buddy. i didn't mind. it felt cozy.

we slipped back into the familiar comfort of being with someone you know well. like picking up where you left off with someone, without actually picking them up. our faces were "need to hear you over the stage talk" close. i think...hmmm...i don't know what to think.

he walked me to my car and put his arm around my waist. he told me i should come see his new place. he said i would like it. he let go of my waist when we got to my car and then said goodbye without hugging. he jaywalked away, yelling "goodbye."

i wonder what he's thinking. i wonder what i'm thinking.

*insert screams of my concerned friends here*

nah, i know he would slip into his own mean self soon enough. look, we'll just be friends again is all. i promise. i think.


at least i know what malice is thinking. she is thinking once again about what she'd dig most in a certain someone special. for her second take on the matter, jaywalk over to girlboy.

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