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2000-10-24 | 05:17:17

can i quote you on that?


i went running on sunday afternoon. as i passed an elementary school that was having a halloween festival, i came upon a father and son (about two or three years old) who were walking side-by-side at a slow pace. they both were holding walkie talkies and looking straight ahead. as i jogged past, i heard this conversation (keep in mind that the child is right next to his dad--within natural speaking hearing range--except for a drop of about four feet height-wise).

dad: (into walkie talkie) "i'm receiving loud and clear."

son: (into walkie talkie) "what you say, daddy?"

dad: "i said, i'm receiving LOUD and CLEAR!"


dad: "i said, I CAN HEAR YOU!"

son: "oh."


the day before, i went to a vintage clothing show. in one booth, they had thrown a rug down to cover an electrical cord. the rug featured a full-color image of elvis singing in his open-neck, bejeweled white suit. a mom and her six-year-old entered the booth behind me.

her to him: "watch where you're going--you're walking on elvis."


in one past entry, i was singing the praises of singlehood. one of the pros was being able to eat the last fudgsicle. my buddy snuffy argued that i could do that--and almost all the other things on my list--even if i was with someone. then we had this e-mail exchange:

me: "ok. i can see that. good point. except i would feel guilty about eating the last fudgsicle if there was a boy sharing the fridge."

him: "all you'd have to do is say 'honey, there's only one fudgesicle left, do you want it?' nine out of ten boys would let you have it. guy ten is afraid of commitment."



in further dating smackdowns...

sesame/soy boy offers this advice to me on my former crush and the l.a. dating scene in general:

"well then, where IS this former crush, me thinks you should put the lean on him. and if that don't pan out, seriously, get out of that place. LA seems so polluted and dirty, like a west coast Miami. NYC has seasons, yo. We're talking fall, winter AND spring. things grow, things die, and it's way easier to figure out how long you've been dating someone when you have the seasons to count by. AND the seasons play well into our 'animal instinct.' The sense of 'spring' and 'must mate' are so much stronger on the east coast for Everyone, and this would most likely ease the burning in your loins."



then, in discussing "love as a choice" with esol, he offered this:

"What could be more romantic than a real idea ofthethingsthatmake love work? I don't think it takes away from the mystery of love, but rather makes it a livable mystery.

"Besides, I happen to find 'I choose you' to be more meaningful than 'I love you.' Everyone says 'I love you,' and no one ever means it--thus the line 'I love you forever,' she lied..."

snuffy, gnoll and esol, thanks. i'm receiving loud and clear.

i can hear you.


today at girlboy, beth shares a little ditty about the boy who'll make her heart go patter-pitty.

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