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2001-01-18 | 15:14:07

i feel fat.


i need to get in shape in a serious way.

i'd like to blame my chubby tummy on water retention and biological programming, but i know it's from eating too many cookies. evil crumbly sweet things with chocolate morsels still melty inside. get thee behind me! (versus getting to my behind, as you obviously already have!)

i loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove to eat. i can't emphasize that enough. there are not enough o's available.

food occupies a major portion of my thoughts each day.

i start thinking about lunch as soon as i get to work.

so far, my clothes have pretty much disguised my burgeoning plumposity...but i know...oh, i know, my tummy shouldn't make that roll.

so i've been running and doing sit-ups and trying to eat better. but why does it take so long to see results, i must whine to you.

i'm not good with diets because i start feeling sorry for myself being deprived of all my appetite desires. i spoil my inner child something fierce.

my tastebuds run my life, i'm afraid. wish me luck as i wrestle for dominance in the war on liposomes.


eee puts another list on the barbee at girlboy today...

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