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2000-10-09 | 03:56:43

wonder. wonder. wonder. why not just ask?

ok, so here's a question for all you boys and girls...what do you think about girls asking guys out?

this comes up because i'm thinking of asking a boy out. a boy in my improv class. the one i simulated sex improv class! geez! i've gotten a few signals that he might be interested. plus, he's gonna be gone from class for six weeks. that would take some pressure off. so, here's the deal. i could just call him and ask him out. or i could call him to say hi and let him do the work. hmmm...whaddya think? just so you know, i've been accused of dating by committee. heh.

i have heard mixed things. some say guys are totally flattered by it and are relieved to have a girl do some of the work in hooking things up. others say it goes against the proven man-chase-woman dynamic and throws off the balance of any forthcoming relationship (read: boy will always feel girl wants it more than he).

anyway, i'd like to hear what you all have to say on the subject. feel free to e-mail your opinion to me at [email protected]. i may post some results of the survey, if ya don't mind. just for the edification of us all.


ok, movie recommend corner! hot damn. if you want to have your heart surgically removed from your chest cavity without anesthesia, go see "dancer in the dark" the new movie starring bjork. OHMYGOD. BEAUTIFUL. STUNNING. TRAUMATIC. if you've ever seen "breaking the waves" by the same director, lars von trier, you have some idea of the emotional and visual rollercoaster you are about to embark on. it blew my mind, drained my tear ducts and made my heart sing. GOSEEIT, please! it deserves all kinds of oscars. bjork was tragically delicate and sweet and genius. catherine deneuve was brilliant. the supporting cast sings...literally! ah, please. go!


ok, enough questioning and gushing. time to warm ourselves by the glow of girlboy. today my diaryland/internet mentor and much-loved friend andre tells us what a great boy like him wants in a great girl

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