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2000-09-21 | 05:48:19

yowza. i just got done basking in some sun. and it's dark out! aw, yeah. the internet be cool and shit. cool folk wandering around out there. you wouldn't know it to stand in line at a grocery store, though, now wouldja? word up.

you know, it bugs one of my friends when i throw in the hip-hop slang. and maybe not just one friend is being bugged, but no one else has complained. oh, desert storm hated it. which only encouraged me. heh.

i admire hip-hop slang. think it's cool. enjoy it. relish it. sure, my sorry white ass may not be qualified to throw down gangsta patter, but i don't do it to mock it or anybody.

i don't do it because i think it makes me cool. in fact, i know american pie me (the cliche, not the movie) sounds purty dern funny spouting off "peace out" and "peeps" (sorry, palooka), but isn't there any enjoyment in irony anymore? self-fun-poking, anyone?

like that "boyz in the hood" song that dynamite hack covered (there are a few surprisingly killer songs on that album, by the way, and all quite unlike the single). when i was buying the album, the kid at the counter grumbled to his co-worker, "i don't know why people like that dumb song. it's just some guy talking." heh. hi! irony! helllooooooo.

for me, using hip-hop words sparks up the dumb stuff i gotta say all day. makes it more of an art form. don't worry, it ain't every other word out of my mouth. all in moderation, my brotha. the slang is just a juicy new color on my palette and my brush keeps wanting to sop it up and spread it on. so, i don't mean to be dissin' no one, no how. propa respect to all. knew it was coming, dogg...

peace out-

p.s. oh, and forget's wish list and go visit girlboy's version

quote of the day: "Natalie Goldberg says stuff about haiku, about how it's a space where you feel God, and of course that's true. Poetry is God, and that's why line breaks are so important" - gray area

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