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2000-08-31 | 05:10:10

hey rhetoric-

thanks for the acknowledgement in your liner notes! i have to say i was a bit relieved to read that mention of our correspondence in your latest entry.

i was afraid that you hadn't written because i had given you stalker vibes with my "i'm jealous of book girl" comment regarding the attempted classroom pick-up scene. doh! anyway, my active imagination can take a chill pill now.

what i would like to say is that even though you are 1) a virtual stranger 2) more than 10 years my junior 3) on the other side of the country, it makes me feel good to know 1) there is someone like you in the world (the way you think and write and express yourself) and 2) you are a male type.

this leads me to the (probably faulty) deduction that there are maybe a couple more like you 1) of the male persuasion 2) of the persuasive male persuasion, who are 1) nearer to me in age 2) nearer to me in zip code. here's hoping!

before i go, two stalk-worthy rhetoric-isms:

"i don't take compliments well. hmm, that's not accurate. that implies that i say something like "this old thing?" when told my new summer dress is 'flattering'. what i should have said, is i don't believe them. and i won't tell you to your face i don't believe what you just said is true, i just don't internalize it. however, i do remember it being said, and it's always a plus for that person. and it's not that i mind receiving them, because i don't mind at all. and they don't go unappreciated. i just don't happen to agree. that's all. not sure why i shared, but i did. bite me. please?"

of course, this means you won't take the compliment above well. alas.

and--*sniff*--this one:

"one thing i miss about having a significant other, one of many things (trust me), is being able to play with her* hair. and smell her* hair. [insert 'sigh' here.] her* = female companion, not any particular person."

i also know the pain of that kind of hair* loss.

my friend stephanie said once, "doesn't '*' make any word that much better*?" i see you know the power of *, too.

heh. you're so cool*.

keep on keepin' on,


p.s. i hope you don't mind, but i like this note i wrote to you so much, i'm gonna make it a diary entry. that, and i gotta go to sleep soon! g'night (or g'morning) , inspiring boy type!

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