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2000-05-03 | 01:54:46

what is it about humans that makes us search each other out to find some unfinished part of ourselves in each other? like the corny ass line from "jerry mcguire" goes:

"you complete me."

so here we are wandering around, as full of holes as a block of swiss cheese, searching for someone whose outies match our innies and vice versa. we are so anxious to find our complimentary cheese that we sometimes mistake cheddar for gouda and brie for jack.

a friend of mine told me that his friends had been sending him online dating listings as a joke. they would pick out grossly overweight women or women with strange sexual fetishes and forward them to him. he finally told them if they were bothering to do all that research, they should find someone really interesting. he even began to troll for babes himself and came across a girl who looked cute in her photo and who chose a certain jimi hendrix album as one of the two she'd take on a deserted island with her. my friend had an epiphany as he read that. "of course!" he thought, "that is exactly the album to take. it has a whole range of songs, from love songs to harder stuff."

this little tidbit made her quite attractive to him. he discovered later in her bio that she was only out for down and dirty sex and gave up his pipe dream. he even had the cd in his car the last time i hung out with him. she had inspired him that much. it struck me as funny that guys do that, too. it's such a girl thing to latch on to a single something about someone and then to paint this whole picture of them and how they will somehow complete your life. did he fantasize about her, ala tia carrere "dreamweaver" fantasy sequences? did he accessorize her winning album choice to create a mental image of his perfect mate?

as i was walking to my car tonight, i was thinking, "what would be the clincher for me? hmmm...if i could only find a guy who appreciated the true comedic genius of the al franken movie 'stuart saves his family.' yes, that is the man that could 'complete' me." hahahaha! such naivete is refreshing, ain't it?

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