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2001-01-02 | 04:21:04

hi there, kids! happy, happy, joy, joy, new year, new year!

did you ring it in in style?

did you kick it old school?

did you go insane in the membrane?

mine was supah cool. some might say hellacool.

last year on new year's eve, i went to a couple of friends' parties and had a good old time. the biggest story of the evening, though, was getting hit on by an elderly gay man. ok, perhaps he was bi. perhaps. ah, well, he was quite well-mannered and kind, but, according to an alarming number indicators, was batting for the other team. as i drove home i asked myself, "is that an indicator of how my year will go?" fortunately, it was not.

2000 rocked for me, i must say. so how was its final moments?

this new year's involved a midnight champagne-tinged kiss (or five) with an extremely delightful heterosexual fellow who i have taken a serious liking to of late. yay me!

the scene was a cozy, fun house party starring a cast of some of the coolest, nicest people ever. is this an indicator of how my year will go? i quite hope so! thank you to the host and all his compadres for making my new year's 2001 such a great toast to the next 364 days of our lives.


jen is kung fu fightin' over at girlboy today...

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