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2001-05-12 | 6:25 p.m.

corduroy licorice thought that skateboarding was more fun than a barrel of monkeys. he had ordered a barrel of monkeys off of ebay, and while their antics were amusing at first, he tired of them quickly. after that, he donated the primates to a local zoo and converted the barrel into a half-pipe.


i stand on the line between stress and sand. two month's worth of varying degrees of overtime. hairball projects that sucked the life out of me. a lost weekend and an all-nighter. all this in preparation for a week in a little piece of paradise. i think once my toes wiggle themselves in the sand, the sun kisses my shoulders, the pineapple juice stings my tongue and the trade winds swirl around my hips, i'll be an all-new nictate.

so sing along with me, "c and h, pure cane sugar, from ha-wa-ii, growing in the sun..."

i'm not sure if they have the internet in hawaii, but if they do, i'll send a virtual postcard to y'all. in the meantime, please accept my web luv in lieu of updates until memorial day.


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