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2000-05-10 | 18:19:48

well, folks. i've had some feedback on my "lesbians and laziness" entry. here is what the menfolk have to say for themselves. this is like a town meeting between the sexes on diaryland. what's next? live video feed? word.

my friend raoul offers:

"I don't particularly get off on Lesbians any more than I do on single women. I mean--they're both equally as exciting simply because...well, they're females. Additionally, the company of a smart, down-to-earth woman who enjoys music, books and the rare Saturday afternoon of doing absolutely nothing but hanging out is equally as alluring, if not more so, than the thought of a naked haughty doing a sixty-nine with another haughty. Who fucking cares you know? Personality is everything, flesh is just the icing. But, hey-don't get me wrong--I REALLY enjoy licking icing."

captain neurotic says:

"The answer is simple: guys would rather have Cake and Ice Cream rather than just Ice Cream." visit the captain's whirling world! you'll be glad ya did

and fellow diaryland member proven shares:

"the thing about those fantasies: men DO imagine themselves in it. especially as the focal point. it's still self-absorbed, just not in the same way you describe it. that's how we deceive ourselves into thinking all women are attracted to us." for more proven wit and wisdom, check his mad crazy take on the world

thank you kindly, gentlemen! the relentless pursuit of gender realities continues here! stay tuned.

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