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2001-12-03 | 7:47 p.m.

corduroy licorice stuck to his guns. his brother had sabotaged corduroy's holsters with super glue.


i'm in love...

...with a movie.

it happened just like everyone said it would. i was walking along, looking neither to the left or to the right as i entered the darkened theater. i took my seat completely unaware of the silver screen seduction that was about to take place.

it started innocently enough. such childish charm was irresistable. and the way it winked at me so knowingly! such cheekiness. too adorable to ignore. and it knew just how to make me laugh.

it looked so good in that light and was wearing all of its colors: glowing bottle green, just-barely-steeped-tea-water yellow, and succulent no-glasses-were-ever-this-rosy raspberry reds.

it swept me right off my feet with its wit. i blushed and felt a rush in my chest. such cleverness! such romance! such delight! so neatly buttoned-up like ribboned bon-bon boxes in a shop window.

its name? ameli�.

from the first curl to the final blur...sweet, sweet perfection.

after i spent the night with it, the whole next day i kept smiling to myself at funny things it had said or done. my heart skipped a beat more than once at the remembrance of its touch.
*happy sigh*

the jewelbox of a movie that i've fallen for was directed by jean-pierre jeunet, who made one of my other favorite foreign films delicatessen...a dark, twisted and wonderful film. it's so cool that two such different films were within one man...who i must now find and make my own.

i'm a bit afraid people will miss out on ameli� thinking it's another semi-sweet chocol�t, but it's in a whole different candy category. i'm not sure how my nictate awards will play out this year, but this is one nictate-worthy valentine of a movie. the sentimental pick, for sure.

i've just realized that two of my favorite films this year were both lushly colored, offbeat romances set in montmartre and both featured a place named after a windmill (c'est moulin!) which served as a pivotal location. hmm...maybe i have a "type" after all. figures i'd be attracted to windmills with my whole don quixote alter-ego and all.


today in the restroom at work, i mooned myself for old times' sake. that inspired me to write a tribute to my butt.

my butt

by nictate

my butt is always there for me,

sitting there quietly while i watch tv.

it cushions the blow when i sit down,

it follows me faithfully all over town.

my butt is there for me, whatever i do,

it's cheeky, you're right, but always true blue.

wherever i go, whatever the day,

my butt's got my back in a serious way.

<----������� ---->

take a peek at these - (c) 2000-2003 nictate:

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health tip

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