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2001-11-06 | 5:42 p.m.

corduroy licorice's ice cream store followed a rocky road to success.


exploring the wisdom of hit song lyrics with nictate:

if you want to be rich, do you really have to be a bitch?


when disappointed at work, a silent primal scream in the restroom and then a showering of tears can be a good release. it is at times like this i'm grateful there are no surveillance cameras in the john.

it is also at times like this i i busting my butt here for the right reasons? 100 hours of overtime in two months. would be nice to have more of a life, yaknow?

i'm all about staying in a rut. i mean, this is a great rut to be in. i feel very lucky to work with the people i work with doing the work i do. especially with things the way they are right now with the economy. but frustrations at the 'ole office job make me wonder...maybe i should be focusing on the big picture a bit more. you know, planning for my future, etc. pursuing my dreams, and what not.

like getting off my butt and writing that script i've been thinking of for years.

i used to read the scripts of people applying for a student film program. it was a volunteer job i took to get some experience in the film industry. plus, i thought i could learn from reading others' scripts. what i learned was that most scripts suck like three-hole-punched tornados. it is amazing what people submit with pride.

at certain points, i grew very resentful that i was spending hours of my life hacking my way through such a jungle of mediocrity. i got good at skimming scripts that were obvious stinkeroonis to save myself time and irritation.

i took no prisoners when i wrote up my eviscerating coverages of said scripts. the head of the program told me that their other readers were too forgiving. "we need nictate in here with her uzi." she then pantomimed me skeet shooting screenplays out of the sky.

when i would be paging through these works, i would sometimes come across a direction from the writer of what song should be playing during a certain scene. that used to piss me off soohoooo much.

"cruddy writer," i would ask in my head, "who are you to think you get to pick the music in your lame-ass movie? what nerve! you'll be lucky if they let you on the set."

of course, there are two songs i've already picked out for "my romantic comedy to be." heheh.

one of them is a song by the pushstars called last night's dream. its melody is be-yoo-ti-ful and the singer's voice earnest. here are the words:

all my love is all i have to give to you

this morning

last night's dream is cast to sea

it's you who leaves me longing

take me home to where i'm whole

you'll say, "well, that's never easy."

but all the wine will change your mind

i say..."let's not pretend that it does."

break my fall and take me all the way

from evening to morning

then you sleep so worry free

and i just can't pretend that i am

i just can't pretend who i am

i think it's perfect for the closing scene! now i just have to write the closing scene. and the first scene...and those in between.


tv zero has posted part of one of his scripts up for viewing here. way to make me look lazy, tv.

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