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2001-10-25 | 5:50 p.m.

corduroy licorice liked to pull out all the stops. why he was obsessed with digging up traffic signs was beyond him.


welcome to: "exploring the wisdom of hit song lyrics with nictate"

today's subject:

does every cowboy really have a sad, sad song?


i just realized today that "europe" is a really weird word. and here we all just go about our business acting like it's all normal and ish. but it's a freaking WEIRD-looking word. so is the word "restaurant"...what the hell? and we EAT in those places.


you know what else is weird? eyebrows. two little patches of hair coming out of nowhere and adding all this expression to the faces they landscape. don't think about it too long or you will freak. take it from me.


i'm soooo hacited to see waking life by the amazing richard linklater. waking life has been hailed as "the most anticipated movie of the year for nictate." linklater made two of my favorite movies: the meandering, but sublime, slacker and before sunrise, which featured some of the coolest dialogue ever commited to celluloid. i almost didn't see before sunrise because ethan hawke gives me hives, but i took some benadryl and the allergic reaction was contained. warning to those who suffer from a.d.d.: linklater really earns movies the nickname of "talkies." to make waking life, he shot the film and then hired animators to "paint" over the live action images using software technology. the process is called rotoscoping and the final product looks freakin' ass cool, man.

i'm also hacited to know another coen brothers' movie, the man who wasn't there is appearing at a theater near me in the near future. except for the white russian-dripping mustache missteps of the big lebowski, those coen fellas can do no wrong in my ojos. i saw the trailer and the black and white photography is just heartbreakingly beautiful.
*bites heel of hand*

until next time, the balcony is closed.

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