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2001-08-27 | 6:13 p.m.

corduroy licorice would often gild the lily. he enjoyed gold-plating all kinds of flowers. metallurgy was his life.


someone gave me some cute scissors. they just laid them on my desk at work. no credit was claimed. what could this mean? is it a symbol that they want to cut ties with me? maybe they want me to be an office iconoclast and run with them? i dunno.


weekend update:

friday night:

worked late and fell asleep to the hum of "sex in the city" reruns.


DAY date with online dating guy. he seems to like his new mantle of "reverse vampire." he was going to be out late on friday night at a bachelor party, so he told me just in case he got too drunk to remember my phone number the next day, he'd carve it into his chest with a wooden toothpick (backwards, of course, so that he could read my digits in the mirror's reflection a la memento.) he ended with "i'll give you a call when i crawl out of my coffin in the a.m." he's funny. i'll give him that.

so he comes to pick me up and kisses me hello. but this hello kiss was unlike his others. this one included hand-to-butt contact. not that i was complaining, mind you. i was just a bit taken aback. hey, it's been awhile since i've gotten any non-lip physical affection in a date situation. as my friend l-girl said, "that move just earned him another month."

we walked around a mall and chatted, ate some great food, and he dropped me off with some parting gift kisses. i was left shrugging my shoulders. i dunno. hmmm...i dunno. i don't sense that he and i are bf/gf-compliant, but he's fun to hang out with and very attractive to me. maybe he'll be my boy toy? i've never had one before, but as my friends keep telling me "guys do it all the time."

as my horniness factor grows, the boy toy idea is starting to sound pretty darn appealing.

saturday night:

a party featuring the presence of tv zero and his posse. the crowd was a bit too intellectual for my taste. i was in no mood for small talk with big thinkers. tv and my girlfriend, lb, had fun talking, but otherwise, the party was a wash. she and i split for a bar across town where a guy managed to knock her drink all over her. lovely. about 15 minutes to 2, this guy started chatting us up. he was trying to impress us by saying he works for mtv. bleh. you could say the bar experience was all wet...much like lb's top.


a hike with my sister and al-girl. that was fun. hard work! yikes! we girls were kicking some dusty ass on the trail. three hot babes sweating like babe. al-girl has been reading my diary here and complimented me on my writing. i liked her a lot before, but that only endeared her to me even more.

sunday night:

a birthday dinner for a gal pal at c's place, nobu in malibu. (thanks again for the tip, man!) we girls were all dressed up like flowers in a window as we descended upon the restaurant. it was a cool environment and the food was delicious...especially this melty chocolate dessert they have. speaking of melty desserts, david duchovny walked in looking even more handsome in real life. there was an angelic glow about him. it was almost...paranormal. the term hunk definitely applies. we also saw marky mark, who was with his dawgs. oh, and paul sebastian, the hair mousse man. they all seemed to enjoy being noticed and we enjoyed noticing them...especially that fox...mulder!

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