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2001-08-03 | 6:28 p.m.

cordoroy licorice's philosophy was "why buy the cow when the milk is free?" that's why he would never have a cow.


it's funny how quickly your perception of someone can change from: "oh my gosh, how is it that you're single?" to "oh my gosh, how is it that someone dated you for a year?"

online boy kinda stepped in it. maybe he's stepping in it on purpose? perhaps. maybe he's trying to back away gently? could be. maybe he didn't dig my reaction to the news he had dated strippers. maybe he's got another girl who is making his heart do the babalu. maybe he'll call me next week and ask me out like nothing happened. cluelessness does exist in today's society. this we know.

so why am i hearing the death knell for this dynamic duo? well, in one phone call he inadvertantly (?) insulted my hair style and then blew me off to pack to move.

the moving thing is an understandable priority for one with a lease about to run out, but taking an hour away from his corrugated to give props to the ole nictator wouldn't hurt, would it?

i no likey the feeling i'm getting.

i guess my doubts about how well he and i would pair up as a long-term gf and bf have been compiling all along and now the verdict is looking grim for this online coupling.

ah, well. it was fun while it lasted and he did woo me well on the first few dates. he remains sweet and funny and smart and handsome, despite the fact that he's not the george for my gracie.

watch, next week i'll be singing his praises again. it could happen. but i doubt it.

oh, and heathcliff cleverly avoided my e-mail invite to hang out before he returns to his foreign locale. so now i've been blown off by the home and visiting team. week i'm on top, next week i'm bottomed out. but have faith, dear ones! nictate will get her man!

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