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2001-04-23 | 11:00 p.m.

corduroy licorice had a problem with cutting the cheese at inappropriate times. he once started slicing up some provolone during his high school graduation march.


"quit looking at me like that," hissed cici. "you know i didn't do it."

"harumph!" fumed sofa.

"you wouldn't be acting like this if you weren't named after a piece of furniture."


i asked to take my birthday day off from work as a comp day. i counted up my OT hours for april. 22.5 in three weeks. that's worthy of an 8 hour day off, no? but because things continue to be busy, my boss replies, "now's not the best time, but if you want to..."

oh, great. guilt. now i'm gonna feel like a slacker if i take it. but if i don't, i'm gonna be bitter. grrrrrrr. grumble. grumble. poo.

when faced with a dilemma like this, one should turn to mentos...what would the freshmaker do?


did i tell you how i had the idea to name a band the incontinent cats? their first album would be called, "out of the box."

i think i already told you that.

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