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2001-04-02 | 9:24 p.m.

corduroy licorice knew which side his bread was buttered on. duh! the side with the glistening, pale yellow spread on its surface.


hmm...that just made me think of childhood cinnamon and sugar and butter on toast. mmmm...melty sugarness.


my last entry on drugs got me four responses: a spoken "i agree," an e-mailed "i agree," a guestbook entry "i agree" and one "i beg to differ" e-mail.

i really appreciate the "i agree"s voicing their support, because i kinda wondered how that entry came off. i felt like i had stuck my neck out a bit, something i usually avoid. that made the feedback/support all the more meaningful. so thank you to the three amigos.

to the fourth objector, i send thanks, too. he and i are actually having a semi-lively, e-mail "argument" about it. i haven't argued for awhile and it's fun! i'm not good at arguing in person, because i overthink things and my words get stumbly, but in writing i can put it down like i like it.

his deal was comparing taking drugs to doing anything enjoyable. your brain is responding to a stimulus by releasing chemicals that cause pleasure. so drugs, in this train(spotting) of thought, are just one more vehicle to mood enhancement...not much different than looking at a beautiful painting.

i responded that art doesn't cause brain damage. he responded that living causes brain damage. breathing traffic exhaust causes brain damage. hmmm...ok. these are unavoidable hazards, true. but is that a reason to compound the problem? throw a little more gas on the fire?

heh. then he said that brain cells are like money and who wants to die with a billion dollars in the bank. i was pretty proud of my response, which was:

"you spend your brain cells your way, i'll spend mine my way. i just want to cash out as late as possible, is all. i personally don't want to give temporary mental power of attorney to a pill, but that's me."

heehee. your witness.


winks of the day:

ella fitzgerald has the most beautiful voice in the world. i love how she butters up the old rodgers & hart song, "bewitched." such an amazingly cool song full of wisdom, sass and pain. in about seven minutes it traces a relationship from beginning to break-up. they don't write 'em like that anymore.

i really identify that song with desert storm because he first introduced me to it on a mix tape he made. plus, the lyrics really described what it was like dating him. i don't have an aimee mann song associated with him, so he gets ella. lucky jerk. heh. no, i give him credit for opening my musical horizons. that i do.

p.s. music is my drug.


i really love the movie moonstruck and often think of lines from it. in one of my favorites, olympia dukakis tells a man, "what you don't know about women is a lot."

sometimes, at my advanced age, with its gift-with-purchase inherent wisdom (ok, the inherent wisdom cuts in and out), i want to tell certain people, "what you don't know about life is a lot."

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