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2001-03-29 | 2:21 a.m.

corduroy licorice always found the silver lining in car windshield sunscreens and granola bar wrappers.

speaking of silver linings, esol is probably the best silver lining finder i know. c-girl is right up there, though.

i bring this up because i have found the silver lining of working my butt off for two weeks. the weekend. i always appreciate weekends, like any red-blooded humanoid, but this one is precious to me. it shines like a blue diamond.

i turn the crystal in my head and imagine all the facets it could have...sleeping in, a trip to the beach, a silly movie, eating something decadent.

it already started out well, with a delicious dinner with three special gal pals. now i look over at my lil' bed and dream of dreaming of what to do with my cherished two days off.

i hesistate to say all the hard work was worth this, but it does feel good to have such an intensified anticipation.

my mind longs for a break. so does my body and soul.

ah...weekends. what a loverly word.

as a side note, to thank us for our hard work the company paid for a in-house happy hour with homemade guacamole and salsa. the client who was creating most of our overload sent a basket of cookies and brownies earlier in the day to thank us for taking one for the team.

i've been fighting off a sore throat/cold and almost didn't eat any of the sweets, but get this...i ate two cookies and brownie and started feeling better! then i drank a beer with chips and fresh pico de gallo and was again refreshed. and all this week i've been chain-popping vitamin C. i coulda been eating junk to get my pluck back. gosh darnit anyhow.

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