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2001-03-29 | 1:20 a.m.

corduroy licorice ate crow on a daily basis. he was also a raven madman.

i so tired.

my throat hurts, too. it's been hurting all week, but now it's to the wincing-while-swallowing stage. bleh.

work is kicking my ass. i got home as the 11 p.m. friends rerun started the theme song clapping. sorry to whine again, dude, but it sucks.


hey, speaking of work, i thought of a pretty good idea there today. a "viral marketing" idea. am i hip or what not? i ran it past torrez for the cheese factor test, 'cause yo, torrez is all about keeping it real. no doubt. i thought he might think it was corny, but he thought it was great and told me so. in fact he said it was so good i should "tell!" that made my day. heh heh.


wow. you must be so bored right now, aye? saying, "where's the laughter? where are the yuk-yuks, nictate?"

i so tired.

but i had a good idea today.

and i wanted to tell everybody.

<----������� ---->

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