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2001-03-02 | 04:53:23

hi. how are you doing? i hope this finds you well, maybe eating a bit of toast and jam and wearing some fuzzy least in a metaphysical sense.


the work friend who read my journal on the sly is now letting me read his journal, and it's fly. you go, boy!


woody allen's everybody says i love you is a delicious movie truffle if there ever was one. it's funny to see the amazing ed norton doing a slight woody allen impression, not to mention singing in a musical! the song and dance sequence in the hospital is too charming for words...hence no more heh.


do you ever look at someone and just know that if push came to shove they would dime on their own grandma? i don't know...i can just sense a yucky inner weasel in a couple of people i know as acquaintances. even though i don't know them well, i sense the weak, self-serving, salieri vibes under their pelts and back off slowly.

this marks the second time in consecutive entries that i've used the word "weasel." dang, it's such a good word!


i'm still digging gomez's bring it on album. what up with that?!


today during lunch, two disturbing things happened. i was driving through an intersection when i saw a cane-wielding little old lady trying to cross the street. she stumbled, became airborne in a backwards direction and fell on her tush. it was a shocking sight. a chp buzzed right past it. i guess he didn't see. i was in a bit of shock and pulled over on the other side of the street. i waited for someone else to help. two tough-looking guys on bikes whizzed past her...not even stopping to steal her purse. slowly, a long-haired bloke waiting at the bus stop behind my car got up and walked over to help her up. amazingly she got up without apparent injury and he finished helping her across the street. i was so grateful to him for doing that. i hope he knows what a wonderful thing he did. not only did he take a chance of missing his bus, he got "involved." then i felt embarassed that i had only pulled over to witness it.

so then i go in the 99-cents store. i have recently discovered all the great deals waiting to be partaken of within its fluorescently lit walls, but it comes at a price. i can see the trouble and struggle in the other customers faces. most are there by necessity, not choice. today a squat little lady with two toddlers was in front of me in line. she bought three things and then tried to pay with her debit card. something wasn't working and she mumbled something in spanish to the cashier and left her things in their bags. i felt so sad. she didn't have $3 on her. afterwards i thought i should have paid for her.

ok, so two moments in one lunchtime when i could've helped someone else out. i think the universe is trying to tell me something. time to get off my ass and do something charitable.


can you fed-ex hugs? if so, i'm sending off a couple extra-strength ones to you.

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