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2001-02-21 | 05:11:09

hiya toots and toodlers!

how are you? lloyd dobbler just asked his sister if she could just decide to be in a good mood for once.

good mood.

those words look good together. those words feel good together. but like many good things, a bit of an effort might be required to achieve the desired results.

i remember one friend telling me about a book written to help anxious or depressed people. it encouraged them to start small, thinking of the most minor aspects of their life and feeling appreciation for them.

for instance, isn't it great that we have electricity running through the walls to light our homes? we're talking basic reassurances here, but sometimes i have to use them on myself.

sometimes i'll be in the shower in the morning under the hot water, feeling a bit of just-woke-up-from-uneasy-dreams anxiousness and it'll help calm me to focus on my gratitude for the soothing and cleansing warmth flowing over my head.

sometimes in the hecticness of work, i'll find comfort in the smooth slip of a swallow of cafe latte just as it reaches the right lukewarm temperature. or before falling to sleep, i'll get a reassuring "goodnight" head pat from the heavy heave of heat that gasps from the wall heater after i turn it off for the night.

i've noticed i've been using the word "comfort" a lot lately...i've been needing the word comfort a lot lately.

when life jabs up its sharp elbows or when the blues come to roost, someone's gonna need some comfort...mkay?

and hopefully this comfort will not take an unfortunately harmful form...such as copious amounts of benjamin & jerald's pint-sized, frozen food aisle sirens.

comfort at its best is a sugar-soft pillow, a special someone's voice, a friend's laugh, a long walk to nowhere in particular, a favorite movie with lines as well-worn as a pair of bunny slippers, a tickly breeze in your hair, a nostalgia-laced song in your heart.

as homer would say, mmmmm...cooooomfort. good.


a hearty hooray to twiggle for making my page so dern pretty!

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