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2001-01-05 | 05:38:42

i've gotten a certain forwarded e-mail several times. it includes guidelines on how to live a better life. these suggestions are attributed to the dalai lama. i'm not sure if he actually said any of these things or not, but they are cool thoughts to ponder, nonetheless...

* great love and great achievements often involve great risk.

* follow the three r's: respect for self, respect for others, responsibility for all your actions.

* remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

* live a good, honorable life; then when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time.


i get a "word of the day" e-mail sent to me through wordcommand and today's word struck me. it actually brought to mind a person who does his best to live his life in a magnanimous way. aren't words cool? so are good people.

magnanimous (adjective)

1) generously forgiving 2) noble in spirit. magnanimous is a combination of the latin "magnus" (great) and "animus" (soul or mind). someone who is magnanimous is great in soul and mind.

great in soul and mind. something worth shooting for, i'd say...and i think the dalai lama would concur. and in case he's reading this, i have to give a shout out..."hello, dalai!"


spotlight on cool journals:

i always enjoy futurebird's wistful insights on life. in this entry she discusses indifference. it brought back a lot of unfortunate, boy-related memories for me. i remember learning in a college psychology class that the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. i think futurebird captured the phenomenon quite poetically and she is wont to do throughout her writings.


always lolita shares some heartfelt thoughts on her kinda bloke over at girlboy today...

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