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2000-12-28 | 03:31:04

yo, yo, yo, nictate in da house.

we online journal writers sure do examine our belly buttons a lot, don't we? sometimes i wonder if some of us are a bit too self-absorbed, of course, i include moi in that group. but then again, they say write what you know, and what do we know better than us, aye?

speaking of which...

this i know about me...

black tea makes me pee.

this i know about me...

i spend money frivolously.

this i know about me...

my favorite movie is "when harry met sally."

this i know about me...

i wash my hands with alarming regularity.

this i know about me...

i used to wanna marry mr. in peewee.

this i know about me...

i have a belly button! currently lint-free.


today's girlboy list is by molly. she also has a very cool way of writing at her own diaryland page: this was my favorite entry out of lots of fun ones. enjoy!

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