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2000-11-07 | 04:11:57

"i'm listening." - frasier

"the audience is listening." - thx sound

"thanks for listening." - me

it's good to know you're listening. i mean it. sure, i would write in this journal even if my own ocular globes were the only ones to ever scan it, but it means a lot to me that you're reading it and "listening." it's nice to have the company. for real.

sometimes i turn on the 11 o'clock re-run of "friends" just for the company. it's often just background noise while i type away or pay bills, but there is great comfort in the familiar punchlines and familiar voices. after all these years, they do feel like friends (stifle that guffaw, won't you?) and it's nice to have them around.

and if fictional tv characters feel kinda like friends, certainly someone like you who visits each day or so earns the title of friend--however far removed. you actually know what's going on in my life. you actually care. hot damn, is that cool! it certainly is.

when things get busy, i sometimes can't keep up on all my favorite journals to the left. that makes me feel sorry for two reasons: 1) because i want to know how they're doing and to "stay in touch" with their lives; 2) because i'm afraid they'll notice in their site visit listings that i haven't been by. i don't want them to feel neglected! i hope they know i'm thinking of them, even if i can't click over each day.

man, do i sound needy or what?! hahaha!

well, listening to aimee mann singing about cigarettes and red vines has me in a reflective mood. be a dear and allow me this melodrama, won't you now?

speaking of melodrama, "all about eve" is playing on the big screen this weekend in l.a. i hope i can fit in a viewing. that movie kicks some serious sassy funk ass. plus, there's a cameo by marilyn. with that and a snarling bette davis, you just can't lose, dude. you just can't.


for "all about girlboy," click on over and see what caroline has to say about her wished-for little drummer boy.

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