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2000-10-19 | 06:24:30

different people bring out different parts of my personality.

does that make me schizophrenic? who asked that? shut up! no, you shut up!

oh, yes, back to me and other people...

i'm sure i am not unique in this. you probably have friends who you would never tell certain things, friends who make you squeal at the dumbest jokes ever, friends who can hug your sobbing shoulders best of all.

well, i've realized that different people bring out different things in me. which is cool! because that makes me MULTI-FACETED. yes. not unlike a DIAMOND. most precious of all JEWELS. c'est moi!

actually, kuinileti brought up this subject first. evidently this phenomenon can be considered compartmentalization to some psychologists. nope. not to me. it's cool to have more than one way of interacting with the world. sign of a creative mind, i'd like to think. ha!


who else but stephanie could i do destiny's child sing-alongs with?

who else but candice could i do the fabric touch tour of a clothing store with?

who else but lisa b. could i throw down the hip hop slang with?

who else but lisa m. could i do a funny story showdown with?

who else but shawn could i rave about nick drake with?

who else but patricia could inspire me to be a complete raving lunatic?

who else but karina could i talk to for hours about human behavior? ok, some call it gossip, but...

who else but andre could i play "showdown at ok corral" at work with?

who else but andy could help me turn a trip through a japanese grocery store into a laugh-a-rama?

who else but amber could i lust over caramel-and-white chocolate-dipped-brown-sugar-and-cinnamon-rolled apples with?

who else but brian could set me up for a random e-mail one-liner this sweet:

him: sounds like poopsville to me.

me: don't you mean lidsville?

him: no, more shit, less hats.

me: ah, more bidets, less berets?

who else but my sister could i reprise "the sound of music" julie andrews hill spin with?

and who else but my loverly e-mail pen pals could get me to sit up until the wee hours just to correspond with their clever, clever selves?

i'm one lucky girl. a very multi-facted jewel of a lucky girl. heee. mwaaa!


speaking of lucky girls, who will be the one to fulfill chicken's girlboy list?

and while we're on the subject of love, you just gotta stop by to see how outbox weaves a little tale of a lovely internet romance that'll make your knees weak and your cheeks pink! you go, girl! fucking huzzah to ya!

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