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2000-10-03 | 04:06:53

hmmm...gurgle, gurgle...hmmmm...yep.

ahh, ummmmmm. hee. ok, well, maybe. but that'd be CRAZY!

yeah, i know.

so why am i even considering it?

that's just fucking crazy, man!

that, like, goes against everything i believe in and shit.

that, like, threatens all my little paranoias and hang-ups.

people might think less of me. you know how much people's thinking ranks in my existence! way up there, man! too far up there.

so maybe that is part of what is prompting this?

a question at dinner tonight: "if you knew you were gonna die soon, would you run around naked?"

i said "yes" without hesitation. wha-wha-wha-?

something's amiss. something's adrift. something's...something's...something's on my mind. a lot.

too much.

but boy, does it delight certain brain sectors. yes, they are just giggling and gurgling and tickling each others' sides at the very thought.

oh, well. hmmmm...shit.

i think...i think...i'm thinking yeah. oh, yes, indeed.

i'm thinking yes, indeedy do.

heh. no rocking chair regrets, right? riiiiiiiiggggggght.


wanna look into a familiar abyss? mefirst got to me with this raw and heartfelt entry.


speaking of mefirst, it's a great time to get your girlboy on! today she encourages inconvient handholding. what's your position on that issue, senator? i vote yes on proposition girlboy.

<----������� ---->

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