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2000-09-27 | 05:51:31

once upon a time, i had sushi with two of the biggest names on the internet. hee. they'd both kill me for saying that. hence, i say that. heh. look at me, e-name dropping!

between edamame snapping, the loverly female attendee (during routine questioning) mentioned that her brother had just broken-up with his girlfriend. this may seem like a mundane piece of information...but there is something you must understand.

the one thing i know of this suddenly single brother, besides the fact that he has a super-cool sister, is that he made this: pinkpong (click on the pink box to start the fun)

ahhhh...romantic, witty, wonderful to look at, wry. creating pinkpong is enough to earn him my ever-loving affection. hey, i'm easy. kinda. in the metaphysical sense. i have no idea what that means. i'm just messin' with yo head, dogg.

so i ask the girl, i say: "so your brother is single?" her eyes widen with mild fear/curiosity and then she breaks into a smile: "yes, he is. i'd introduce you if he didn't live so far away."

yeah? so the atlantic ocean is too wide a berth for soulmates to span? heh. i wax idiotic.

is the search for love a stupid game? sometimes. ok, often. game over? hardly. sure my score is love 0, but there are more matches comin' up. hopefully they will be boys who earn their place in the heady realms of pinkpong coolness. one would hope. if not, i can take my grandma-way-far-away's* advice regarding any boy who don't treat me right: "tell him to kiss your foot and go."

*this was how my little sister would refer to my grandma who lived a five-hour drive away. we still call her that. props to lona for the charming wordsmithing of a curly headed five-year-old.


when it comes to girlboy desires, nisa knows what's up.

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