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2000-07-15 | 02:59:58

i'm so hacited!

let me explain. i used to work with a lady whose little boy pronounced "excited" wrong because of a lisp or something. he'd say, "i'm so hacited!"

hacited always seemed to connote a higher plane of excitement. being so excited you're out of breath.

i'm so hacited! i'm going to new york next week. i live in california and have never been east of new mexico. my lifelong trip dreams include new york city, paris and that part of italy that always shows up in foreign films where the sun has a golden glint and people eat outdoors on huge stone tables next to their villas and toast life and family. yeah, there!

so first, new york city! damn. i'm kinda nervous because i've never flown that far and to save money i'm flying on the airlines formerly known as value jet. doh! i'm taking the red eye, so hopefully i will sleep through any potential plane crash. if we do go down, i hope the other passengers don't scream too loudly, because i really don't want to be conscious when i meet my maker. if i do buy it, please know that i love you...each and every one of you. won't it be creepy if i do? my diaryland page will be on the 11 o'clock news and they'll ask my neighbors if they knew about my powers of portending. i know, i'm a freak. ok, already. geez.

so, yeah, new york city! if i can make it there, i'll make it anywhere. for some reason i have no interest in seeing the statue of liberty. does that make me unamerican? i'm more interested in going to cool bars. me so shallow.

i even get to meet one of my diaryland cohorts who lives in the big apple. my first internet friend in-person encounter. whoa! think of the stalking potential! actually, he and i have already discussed this and as long as i don't kill him, he's cool with the obsessive tracking and hounding.

so, yeah! cool bars. internet pallies. dissin' american's monument to freedom. i'm so hacited!

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