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2000-07-14 | 05:54:32

ok, here we are, walking around, breathing the same air, encased in the same basic structure of skin and bones and hair. sure, we have some dna variations. you just have to sit on a bench in a mall for a half an hour to witness the pandora's box that is humanity.

skinny, chubby, in between. dark, light, in between. pretty, ugly, pretty ugly. big nose, little nose, where in the hell did that nose come from?

but despite these contortions of flesh, we're all pretty much the same. but...what? something, something, something, makes you CLICK with certain people. some you click enough with to make it through the day at the office. some you click enough with to spend weekends with and to seek out in your free time. some you click enough with to stay in bed all sunday together.

whoosh. those latter two clicks are rare, as you, i'm sure, know. sometimes you meet someone and you get a "cl-," but then realized there's no "-ick" to finish if off. some you meet and think there is no "click" possible, but somehow you manage to wrestle a "c" out of them.

when you DO click with someone? ah, toledo. special, special, SPECIAL. you want to not waste time being unclicked, you know? you want to rush towards the click and celebrate and see what happens when you twist it and pull at it and sit on it. if the click keeps clicking after all that. damn. hot damn. mother of murgatroid and holy jehosophat. the click feels so right, sometimes.

but you can't predict the click, or force the click or even, yes, i'll go there, pick the click. the click picks you...presents itself to you in all it's "nothing requires force" glory. and mmmm that click feels good!

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