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2000-07-11 | 03:44:05

there's a certain myopia that develops when you like a certain someone. it's not that you don't notice other attractive people--it's just that the apple of your eye does all those one-of-a-kind things that make you get a silly ass grin on your face as a result. nothing can seem more special than the way they touch their chin when they're thinking, or the way they noisily breathe into their glass like a little kid as they quaff their libations, or, as kuinileti mentions, the way hearing them laugh at a joke you made makes your toes curl with delight.

it like the gershwin song: "the way you wear your hat, the way you drink your tea...the way you sing off-key, no, no, they can't take that away from me."

i just noticed the way who #1 stands. something about his posture is relaxed and cool and cute. sheesh. attracted to someone's posture! i thought, hmmm...anyone else standing like that wouldn't be as cool and cute. i wonder what he'd think if he knew i liked his posture. or what if someone asked me what i liked about him and i said, "i fancy the way he holds himself upright. indeed, his very carriage delights me like no other."

pretty funny to think about.

one night, a friend of mine caught her boyfriend doing a little charlie-chaplinesque dance in front of the bathroom mirror as he brushed his teeth. she was delighted to get a glimpse of the monkey in her man. i bet if she advertised a cattle call for charlie chaplin "types" in "backstage" magazine, no one would audition so charmingly. just her monkey. hee. haw.

now i'm getting all gunky and mushy. maybe this is the fifth stage of the horniness cycle. first, there is denial, then frustration, then resignation, then false hope, then mushiness. argh-amatronic. bleh. blah. boo.

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