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2000-05-18 | 18:06:41

argh! i'm so busy at work right now, but can't focus can't get a grip i must have A.D.D. must check e-mail for one-thousandth time must check friend's web site for updates damn same old posting cannot complete assigned tasks within work hours deadlines encroaching...

man, do i need a distraction. hence, this. i ate about 30 chocolate-covered expresso beans after lunch. that could explain part of this spinning energy that cannot be used for good. argh! can you distract me, can ya? just writing to you is distracting me. whew! thank you for that. let's keep it going. ok.

what is the meaning of life? glad you asked. ok, well...finding distractions. that's my answer. trying to find distractions is the meaning of life. life is what happens to you while you're being distracted. isn't that the lennon quote? or was it the lenin quote?

distractions are what is driving our economy. did you know that? oh yeah! tv, shopping, movies, books, comics, magazines, games, drugs, food, alcohol, interior design...all distractions!!! that's right. this whole internet thing? distraction! people will pay up the ying-yang to be distracted. is registered? better get on that! hurry! before you get distracted again!

ah, wow. this is a big message, people. i wish i had a bigger soapbox to preach it from. do what you can to help me spread the word.

DIS-TRACTION from the latin for "losing traction." oh yeah, it's a slippery slope, people. a thousand points of light. bridge to the 21st century. they say it's the economy, stupid? no, it's distraction, stupid! oh, i wasn't calling you stupid. god, no. i need you here. that was the universal "stupid." the figurative "stupid." the all-encompassing "stupid." oh boy, no more caffeine for me. it's too distracting!

<----������� ---->

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